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Boost Page Speed.
Pass Core Web Vitals.


*use WORDCAMP for yearly Business plans before Sep 30

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220K+ users engage and convert more with faster sites

All-in-one solution

No need to bloat your code with 10 different site speed plugins.

Cloud-based service

Zero server overhead and ongoing no-touch plugin updates.

Automatic optimizations

Boost your PSI score, Core Web Vitals, and load times on autopilot.

Built-in CDN

Serve content from servers in 100+ countries. At no additional cost.

60+ built-in features

Advanced caching, image optimization, JS lazy loading, and more.

24/7 technical support

All your questions answered in a matter of minutes.

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of all NitroPack users say they don’t need other site optimization plugins.

Come for the speed. Stay for the results.

KJ Proweb

Тhe best CWV tool on the market

“I've used and beta-tested more than 80 tools to help fix Core Web Vitals issues and speed up slow websites. Nothing works as fast and flawlessly as NitroPack.”


NitroPack pages load within 3s


increase in revenue per 1s faster load time


NitroPack sites pass Core Web Vitals


more happy customers per 1s faster load time

Outperform competitors with the latest in the industry

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Advanced caching mechanism

Built-in global CDN

Font subsetting

WebP conversion

JS lazy loading

Critical CSS

DNS prefetching & preloading

Reduce unused CSS

​Lossy & lossless image compression

HTML, CSS, JS minification

What WordPress experts say about NitroPack

"NitroPack stood out from the crowd. I was surprised by how smart their approach was, and how much time it saved me. They’re optimizing in ways that far exceeds the competition."


Jono Alderson

Independent Technical SEO Consultant

"Using NitroPack to optimize your site and make it load faster in everybody’s browser is a no-brainer. It’s solid, super easy to install, and yields excellent results.
Highly recommended!"


Remkus de Vries

WordPress Performance Specialst

Join 220K+ WordPress owners who achieve more at high speeds!

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